
Creating a Chat Service

Why create a new Chat App?

My only goal is to learn about handling users and communications between them. I think there’s no point for me to make business with it knowing all the competitors in this area. But the good part is that I can compare all these enterprises that have big Chat Services and analize them to know which features makes them the best ones.

The famous MVP

It’s very typical when you are starting a project to set an MVP (Mininum Viable Product). It’s like the minimun version of the project that you can show to your friends because this ain’t something serious. My MVP is going to be a chat app without auth, calls and groups. You will be able to chat with people but 1by1. I’ll explain it better…

What do we need?

The main technical components of a Chat Service are:

  • Frontend — React
  • Backend — In first place, I’m going to use Express.js but maybe I’ll use Django or some other framework later (Go, Java, Ruby…idk).
  • Database for storing the messages — MongoDB

To be continued…

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